Monday, April 21, 2014


PRC JMEC/SAN ILDEFONSO HEARING: April 22, 2014 (Tuesday) @ 9am. PERA Building, Paseo de Peralta, Apodaca Hall (one level below ground level).

Between Aamodt Settlement, County Road 84 Easement, and JMEC Electrical Easement, there is no way our community can AFFORD legal assistance for it all. We will NOT win a legal battle. The pueblos have unlimited legal assistance thanks to your federal government and they will make it a legal battle to wear us down. BUT, we can win a political battle!! The County Commissioners, County Accessor, PRC Commissioners, State Representatives, Congressman and Governor of New Mexico are all elected into office and TAXPAYERS are more than 90% of the VOTE and it is ELECTION time!!

That being said, our strategy should be to SPEAK up. Please do so RESPECTIVELY to have the most impact and to be heard. The lack of fair representation by our elected officials and the unfair laws and regulations they are supporting is hurting their CONSTITUENTS! Please know the most effective DEFENSE is how this will personally hurt you! No one needs to speak legally or professionally. Speak your hardship and how this impacts you!

BEWARE, they will try to say that the rate increase is as low as $5 and San Ildefonso will try to take credit. NO, this was made possible by adjustments on local versus system lines as well as JMEC changing to a 10 year cost recovery period (instead of 3year) to collect on all the fines/easement payments already made. Don’t be FOOLED. They are now back loading the cost and with time rates will double and triple. When they do, it will be TOO LATE to protest.

Other Electrical Cooperatives have denied the astronomical easement amounts and were able to negotiate market values. Why not JMEC? Why is the PRC not directing JMEC to go back to negotiations with San Ildefonso? Why was our right to be EXCLUDED from the Rate Rider omitted?

San Ildefonso also wants to paint a pretty picture about what a wonderful relationship San Ildefonso government has with the community and have listed services they provide to us. To add salt to injury, San Ildefonso lawyers want our proof of what the REAL picture is to be THROWN OUT of the testimony!

It is SO important that, if possible, you attend this hearing tomorrow. Please bring copies of your exemption letters sent to JMEC. Our community Interveners have been working around the clock setting up this case in YOUR defense and need your SUPPORT and your VOICE. They continue to hit "brick walls" placed in front of them by lawyers and the Hearing Examiner (Carolyn Glick) herself. Lawyers defending JMEC and San Ildefonso......ALL PAID FOR BY YOUR ELECTRICAL FEES AND YOUR TAX DOLLARS!!

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