Wednesday, February 12, 2014


For all those that attended yesterday’s hearing, thank you so much for making the time to support our right to a voice. Unfortunately, we were not given much time to have a voice yesterday. HB 356 was opened at 10:30am. After formal presentations were made on the bill, Chair J. Roger Madalena told those in favor to be very brief because the committee had to report to the House floor at 11:00am. We were given 10 minutes and were rushed. Then he proceeded to allow those that opposed to speak. The clock then STOPPED… 35 minutes later he decided to let those opposed return on Thursday to continue their opposition statements. He ended the session by allowing as he stated, “My Governor from Jemez Pueblo” time to say his speech and asked him to come in front of the room! The Chair, J. Roger Madalena, is a council member of the Jemez Pueblo who is in direct negotiations currently with JMEC. Remember, HB 356 is asking for regulation on astronomical easement amounts and fines in negotiations with Cooperatives in order to be fair to all consumers.

Thank you everyone that spoke yesterday for HB356 for being respectful. The opposed called us racist, reminded us what our forefathers did to them 100 yrs ago, stated we were violating their sovereign rights and also reminded us that they were federally protected and the State did not have a right to challenge them. The opposed stated that HB356 would cause animosity to the relationship between Pueblos and communities. This is the reason for the bill! Animosity has already been fueled by unfair business tactics by some, that are affecting ALL persons in those areas.

House Speaker W. Ken Martinez is the person responsible for placing our bill in this committee (Health, Government, and Indian Affairs) and the people ask, was this intentional??? Please feel free to write him an email and ask him just that.

HB356 will continue Thursday, Feb. 13 at 8:30am Round House 3rd Floor Room 309. 

Hope to see new faces.....the same ones cannot keep defending the whole community. Our only hope is to be a united Community and inform other communities in New Mexico what is happening in our government.

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