Thursday, February 27, 2014

Aamodt Settlement info

The attached link provides information on the Aamodt Litigation Settlement Act. There have been many questions about the settlement that this site may answer. There are tabs within this library that will tell you detailed information. It may be difficult to read but the information is available to the public. This may be helpful in preparing your questions for next week's Q&A meetings or helpful to your lawyer if you hired legal assistance.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Do you still feel that your questions were not answered as to all your options available with the Aamodt Water Settlement Agreement? Do you feel like you still do not have all the facts to make a clear decision?

Please join us for an informational meeting where we will listen to your questions and discuss the answers. These meetings are designed to listen. These are separate from the workshops being held by the County in which Darcy Bushnell and staff will help you fill out your Aamodt settlement forms.

Before you complete your Aamodt settlement forms, please join Representative Carl Trujillo and other members from the county and state government for a Q&A session so you can make an informed decision!

Nambe Community
Location: Nambe Community Center
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Time: 6:00pm

Pojoaque Community
Location: Frank B Lopez Gym
Sixth Grade Academy Conference Room
Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Time: 6:00pm

El Rancho Community
Location: El Rancho Community Center
Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014
Time: 6:00pm

More information will be posted before the Q&A meetings to better inform you on the actual settlement and what the over all concerns are with the current request to decide on whether to connect to the Pojoaque water system.

Monday, February 24, 2014

An article worth reading!

Those that attended meetings regarding House Bill 356 will recognize some of these names, but for those that did not, here is something to think about.

As the article states, Speaker W. Ken Martinez was elected to his seat as Speaker of the House because the Democratic Party is currently the majority in the House. It is the Speaker who assigns house bills to committees and it is the Speaker who decides which bills get presented to the House floor for debate and a vote. HB359 was first assigned to the Health, Government, and Indian Affairs committee. In this committee, Chair Roger Madalena (D) gave the opposing side the opportunity to speak for a total of 1 hour between Tuesday and Thursday on their opposition of HB356, yet gave the taxpayers, who were the majority attending, only 10 minutes! Thankfully, Nate Gentry (R) disagreed with the Chair, and demanded he give the committee members a voice after Madalena attempted to table the bill with no input from the committee. Alonzo Baldonado (R) seconded the motion and HB356 passed to the next committee. Yvette Herrell (R) not only supported this bill, but after Memorial 17 was presented, co-wrote HB356. Twice, Donald Bratton (R) stood up to those opposed to this bill and asked how such unfair business tactics could even be allowed to take advantage of any consumer. Rep. Bratton spoke the words our community was not allowed to speak!

These are Republican Representatives who crossed party lines to help support our State Representative Carl Trujillo (D) in an attempt to pass legislation for fairness to ALL people of our community! They, along with Rep. Trujillo, did not stand up for special interest groups but against unfair business practices that punished innocent people for something the federal government created with a law (25CFR169.12) that gives no limits to what Sovereign nations can charge for utility easements.

This is not an attempt to promote any political party, this is a plea for our community to become informed and know who we are electing to our Legislation. Remember, taxpayers in our community are almost 90% of the voting power. We have the power to help decide who is running our government – let's choose wisely regardless of party affiliation!

The link below will give you information on who leads our Round House, committee members, and representatives currently in our legislation. Primary election is June 3, 2014, and general election is on November 4, 2014. Talk to your family and friends in other New Mexico communities and tell them your experience with our Legislation!

2014 Regular Session Bill Locator

This link below will allow the taxpayer to review what bills each Representative entered for their constituents and the outcome of that bill.


HB 356 was on the agenda to be voted on by the House floor but was not presented by House Speaker W. Ken Martinez. In the final hours of the 2014 Legislative session, apparently there were a few very important bills still pending such as the Lottery Fund and the Indigent Fund Sole Provider which took much time to debate.

We like to remind everyone that participated, either by attending the meetings or by emailing Representatives, what a difference their voice made and how important it is to get involved. This started as a Memorial which is only recognition that a problem exists, to a Bill that went through two key legislative committees with much support and recognition by many Representatives as being a very important and complex issue that needs to be addressed.

In the end we did prove one point. We proved the power of a united community that demands a voice! Please remember:


Friday, February 21, 2014

BIA Letter of Trespassing

On December 6, 2013 a letter was sent to Santa Fe County from the BIA stating that San Ildefonso Pueblo considered County Road 84 to be under trespass. In response, Santa Fe County sent a response to the BIA with a copy of a perpetual easement agreement paid to San Ildefonso in 1989. In response to community concern over a letter sent to the County of Santa Fe from BIA, Congressman Ben Ray Lujan reached out to the BIA to further investigate the situation. Below is his letter expressing concern and seeking more information from BIA.

This is a strong statement made to the BIA and Congressman Ben Ray Lujan asked that they consider this situation critical and one that needs to be resolved quickly. He also states that he is personally willing to work with the BIA in a resolution to make sure El Rancho, NM has access to their homes, businesses and private property.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


HB356 was presented to the Business and Industry Committee last night at 10:00pm.
The people that waited for +5 hours to represent our community, made it very clear that we supported this bill because taxpayers deserve fairness and consideration, as well as representation on business agreements that affect ALL citizens and have a huge economic impact on our communities. Sovereignty should not exempt anyone from unfair business practices that impact innocent people.  

This was reinforced by Representative Donald E. Bratton from Lea County.  ( This Representative was our voice last night people! He reinforced everything our community has been saying and stood up for all consumers and taxpayers in New Mexico. So much so, Rep. Bratton deserves an email from everyone in our community thanking him for standing up for what is right and reinforcing what we have been saying! Negotiating agreements using unfair advantage is not friendly and neighborly negotiations. Imposing high fines until an unreasonable offer is accepted is not fair negotiating. Imposing unreasonable fines for trespass yet stating it “inhumane” to stop service in which you are in trespass of, is not acceptable. 
Rep. Bratton, thank you for taking a stand!

HB356 now goes to the House for debate and vote. If it passes the House, it still has to go to the Senate for debate and a vote. Time is running out due to the legislative session ending tomorrow and it is a long shot.  

How can you help? Send a message to Speaker W. Ken Martinez and tell him the taxpayers and voters of our community ask that he support such an important issue to the people by placing HB356 on the House floor immediately for debate and a vote. Remind him that in our community, the taxpayers are the majority vote!

PLEASE KNOW your emails have been and are so powerful! It was very evident that the committee members read them and actually referred to them in their supporting statements.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


All the community members who attended Tuesday's committee meeting were very upset on how the meeting was conducted. It was obviously conducted very one-sided. Some of the community members re-grouped last night and decided that we had spoken our peace as it relates to our community situation but this was something much bigger. Therefore we had the statement below, ready to go in case we were asked to speak once more.

Many realize that this Bill may not be the solution, in fact it was stated that it may only force a very difficult and complex situation to be discussed by our state and federal leaders.

The few in our community that attended this morning were prepared for this Bill to get "tabled". The Chair, J. Roger Madalena stated that he would not let anyone speak further except one person that asked for more time on the opposed side. After a 25 minute presentation, the Chair spoke of the accusation of "conflict of interest" and said he was merely a member of Jemez Pueblo, a life long council member and not involved in the JMEC negotiations. He did not let anyone in the committee speak and stated how this Bill would separate communities and violate rights. He then announced he was tabling the Bill. Some of the committee members were shocked and asked why they were not given a vote. He refused until Representative Nate Gentry demanded a vote, stating that the Chair did not have the power to table without their vote once a bill was presented. It was seconded by Representative Alonzo Baldonando. A vote was taken and in seconds it passed to the next committee, which is Business and Industry.


We need to put in our own words a response to every single one of those committee members to let them know how we feel about the hearing Tuesday. Your first emails made a huge impact people! That is why HB356 was not killed or tabled....because you spoke! We need to let the committee members know that they have to support HB356 to help it pass to the floor! This is where it belongs for a FULL debate with ALL elected Representatives having knowledge and input to what is happening in our communities. They ALL need to recognize how difficult and crucial this situation is.

It can be short but the most effective messages will come directly from you in your own words. If you choose to copy, we will not share the emails with anyone but will post to Governor Susana Martinez' website for you.

Here is the list of emails to copy and paste once more:,,,,,,,,,,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


For all those that attended yesterday’s hearing, thank you so much for making the time to support our right to a voice. Unfortunately, we were not given much time to have a voice yesterday. HB 356 was opened at 10:30am. After formal presentations were made on the bill, Chair J. Roger Madalena told those in favor to be very brief because the committee had to report to the House floor at 11:00am. We were given 10 minutes and were rushed. Then he proceeded to allow those that opposed to speak. The clock then STOPPED… 35 minutes later he decided to let those opposed return on Thursday to continue their opposition statements. He ended the session by allowing as he stated, “My Governor from Jemez Pueblo” time to say his speech and asked him to come in front of the room! The Chair, J. Roger Madalena, is a council member of the Jemez Pueblo who is in direct negotiations currently with JMEC. Remember, HB 356 is asking for regulation on astronomical easement amounts and fines in negotiations with Cooperatives in order to be fair to all consumers.

Thank you everyone that spoke yesterday for HB356 for being respectful. The opposed called us racist, reminded us what our forefathers did to them 100 yrs ago, stated we were violating their sovereign rights and also reminded us that they were federally protected and the State did not have a right to challenge them. The opposed stated that HB356 would cause animosity to the relationship between Pueblos and communities. This is the reason for the bill! Animosity has already been fueled by unfair business tactics by some, that are affecting ALL persons in those areas.

House Speaker W. Ken Martinez is the person responsible for placing our bill in this committee (Health, Government, and Indian Affairs) and the people ask, was this intentional??? Please feel free to write him an email and ask him just that.

HB356 will continue Thursday, Feb. 13 at 8:30am Round House 3rd Floor Room 309. 

Hope to see new faces.....the same ones cannot keep defending the whole community. Our only hope is to be a united Community and inform other communities in New Mexico what is happening in our government.

Monday, February 10, 2014


House Memorial 17 that you supported last Tuesday, passed the House floor!  
43 in favor to 19 opposed!

Democracy:a system of government by the WHOLE population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through ELECTED representatives.


HB 356 goes before the Health, Government and Indian Affairs committee tomorrow, Feb. 11 @ 8:30am at the Round House on the 3rd Floor, Room 309. The Representatives have to return to the floor at 11:00am so this is the longest you will have to be present. 

Below is a photo of a personal letter from our Governor, Susana Martinez,
in response to our communities request for support. This is proof that there is strength is numbers! Please participate tomorrow. It is time to show we have a voice!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Plea for Representation

Messages were sent today to Senator Heinrich, Senator Udall and House Representative Ben Ray Lujan via contacts in their Constituent Office. In light of the fact that lobbyist are said to be trying to kill HB356 before it goes to committee, kill our voice that we exercised Tuesday, we have attempted to once again plea for federal representation.

This makes it even more crucial that we call or email all members of the Health, Government, and Indian Affairs ASAP. Don't forget your House Speaker W. Ken Martinez, who is suppose to work fairly for all New Mexicans. 

People have asked for suggestions to what to say/write. Let's make it simple....

"The taxpayer's of New Mexico support House Bill 356 because the lack of protection the government has given taxpayers in dealing with Native American easements is causing great burden to our elderly and veterans who are on fixed incomes, great burden to those that are struggling in today's economy and is taking away our rights as consumers and land owners. We demand rights and a voice!"

By exercising your voice to these members, HB356 should go to committee Tuesday, Feb.11 at 8:30am. Round House, 3rd floor... room # will follow.

We'll even make it one step easier for you - here is the list of emails for you to copy and paste!,,,,,,,,,,

Thursday, February 6, 2014


In speaking with supporters of fair representation from our New Mexico legislature, we have been advised to INFORM our committee of Health, Government, and Indian Affairs that we ALL support House Bill 356 because we believe the impacts of astronomical Native American easement agreements hurt ALL consumers and ALL New Mexicans. 

The taxpayers want fair representation and consideration, and since we cannot afford Lobbyist, the next best thing is to call each and every one of the committee members before Tuesday (Feb 11). Leave a message and tell them just that! You can also email them but please, please DO SOMETHING to help let them know we are watching to see if our legislation works for ALL New Mexicans!

Below is a contact list with all the committee information you need including our Governor, Susana Martinez. 

Representative James Roger Madalena                     Chair

R.A., Sandoval & San Juan


Representative Nick L. Salazar                                   Vice Chair

Colfax, Mora, R.A. & S.M.

No email                                                                                        


Representative Alonzo Baldonado                             Member



Representative Kelly K. Fajardo                                 Member



Representative Nate Gentry                                        Member



Representative Yvette Herrell                                     Member



Representative Emily Kane                                         Member



Representative Rodolpho "Rudy" S. Martinez          Member

Dona Ana, Grant, Sierra                                                   


Representative Terry H. McMillan                               Member

Dona Ana                                                    


Representative Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson                  Member



Representative Luciano "Lucky" Varela                     Member

Santa Fe                                                               


Governor Susana Martinez

Telephone: (505) 476-2200                                    

We want to highlight contact information of 

Our community feels like we have to especially contact Speaker Martinez to let him know we want fair and equal representation in our legislature.

The pendulum has swung way over people.

The taxpayers are now the unrepresented and the disadvantaged in New Mexico. Everyone that attended last Tuesday's meeting at the Round House is aware that the Native Americans are not only well represented but hold many legislative and committee positions. We hope these Representatives can be unbiased and held accountable if in a position that is conflict of interest.

The panel now endorsed a deal allowing more casinos. Click the link here to check out the story here in the Santa Fe New Mexican.


Yesterday we filled Room 309 in the Round House and the Business and Industry Committee Chair, Representative Debbie Rodella, from Espanola allowed the people to speak! Thank you Representative Rodella!
The Memorial was supported by all members except Representative Georgene Louis from Acoma Pueblo who was also appointed in 2007 by Governor Bill Richardson as State Gaming Representative. If you would like to inform yourself of who your legislature representatives are or what committees they sit on, please go to:

The people were heard and we received additional support from some of other members on the committee. As a result, Representative Carl Trujillo was encouraged to submit legislation to help ALL people dealing with high utility cost that are caused by astronomical Native American easements.

That legislation was introduced today. House Speaker W. Ken Martinez placed our bill with the Health, Government, & Indian Affairs Committee, chaired by Representative James Roger Madalena from Jemez Pueblo.

The bill will be defended on Tuesday, February 11. 

Time and location to follow. We need to fill the room once more!

Underdog 101: One step at a time!

Speaker W. Ken Martinez, please include in your NM Dem's album this photo of today's 
standing-room-only support of State Representative Carl Trujillo's memorial. 

The people supported awareness on the need for assistance on the allocation and recovery of access fees, charges, and trespass fines paid by the Electrical Distribution Cooperatives to any Native American Government Entity and to increase awareness of recent developments in Native American access agreements affecting the cooperatives' ability to provide electricity at a fair cost to the all consumers. 

We know the memorial is not a bill and want to see follow up legislation. The taxpayers of these communities are hoping that you as the Speaker of the House are supportive of ALL New Mexico citizens!