Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

In response to our communities’ pleas for support, State Representative Carl Trujillo has submitted a bill to the legislature that will establish regulation (limits) on easement agreements between Pueblos and Cooperatives.  People, we have not even seen the effect of the easement increase between San Ildefonso and Jemez Co-op in our electric bills yet and we have been told by Pueblo Officials that THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING.  

San Ildefonso officials are fighting to void a County Road 84 perpetual easement that grants El Rancho residents rights to their properties. These same roads hold the lines for our natural gas.  Furthermore, our Federal Representatives have supported that the diversion and filtering station for the Pojoaque Basin Water Project be built on San Ildefonso land. This places Pojoaque, Nambe, Tesuque, and Cuyamungue at risk too! This is said to be another perpetual easement but so were the county roads.  What are we leaving our children if we do not unite and act now?

Currently, all Pueblo officials are not happy with this bill but our communities have not been happy for longer.  Enough is enough.  THE OPPORTUNITY has come to make a stand and say just that.  Enough is enough! How do we do this? By showing up respectfully in large numbers which will provide a BIGGER message regardless if this bill passes. Taxpayers and consumers have reached their limit and can no longer tolerate our Government’s support of this type of system. Our Federal Representatives cannot continue to represent and support a select portion of the voters. We, the majority, have minimal representation, no federal aid, no funds to hold lobby power, and have been told that when dealing with sovereign nations we do not have rights! Who is this majority? The taxpaying voters and consumers of these communities!

We have an opportunity to unite and take a stand!

On Tuesday, February 4th, this bill will be defended to a legislative committee by State Representative Carl Trujillo and others.  Time is 1:30pm.  Location is at the Round House, 3rd floor, room 309.  

We need everyone and anyone who can be present meet at 1:15pm in front of the Round House.  This will take approx. only an hour.  Bring your elderly, your neighbors and anyone who wants to help take a stand.

HELP us take a stand!

Please Help!

State Representative Carl Trujillo has submitted a bill to the NM Legislature (in session now) that would limit the amount of easement cost the Pueblos could impose on Cooperatives. This is in response to OUR complaints about us taking the hit for unfair increases to utility easements in which the cost is passed to the people in the area. The same people that have NO say in the negotiation of these agreements. This open checkbook for what pueblo officials can ask for in easements was made possible by law 25CFR169.12 which grants them no ceiling no matter how unfair. 

When this bill goes in front of committee, Representative Trujillo will defend ALL people affected and will give a Community representative a chance to talk for the taxpayers. This is our chance to ask the lawmakers why they continue to support only 10% of the people? The majority in this area are taxpayers and we get the door slammed in our face by our Government once we mention Pueblos. 

WE will be in front of committee next Tuesday (Feb 4) about 1:30pm at the roundhouse. 

We need bodies. We need faces. No one will have to speak just show the people we elected that we have had enough. Please take the time to make a stand. It will be worth your time. Take the elderly in your area or if you need a ride, we will organize. 

More info to come and if you have specific questions or know someone that would like to get on our email listing, please email us at

Court rules in favor of co-op members, transparency

Check it out - This is proof that taxpayers, voters, and Electric Co-op members do have power when united!! It is time for change and we have a precedent!

Court rules in favor of co-op members, TRANSPARENCY!

Pojoaque Water Basin project notifications

Taxpayers, the link below has a long notification with dates/times/locations that we as community (Pojoaque, El Rancho, Nambe, Tesuque, Cuyamungue, etc.) will meet to ask questions in regards to the Pojoaque Water Basin project that will be affecting YOU! 

Please check it out - stay informed!
Nambe-Pojoaque-Tesuque River Basin Adjudication (NPT or Aamodt) 



Monday, January 27, 2014

Aamodt Settlement - IMPORTANT!

IMPORTANT! Please get this message out to your neighbors.

We have been informed that the 6000+ notices associated with service concerning the Aamodt Settlement have been prepared and deposited with the United States Postal Service today.

Darcy S. Bushnell, Director
Joe M Stell Ombudsman Program
Utton Center, UNM School of Law
MSC 11 6070 - 1 University of NM
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001
NAWRS & http://

Letter to our representatives

This is a copy of an email that was sent, on behalf of the El Rancho community, to Congressman Ben Ray Lujan, Senator Tom Udall, Senator Martin Heinrich, and NM Governor Susana Martinez.


Please feel free to email these representatives with your own concerns about the issues the community has been facing lately - here are the links for your convenience:

Remember, taxpayers have a say!


This page was set up to inform residents about situations that are currently affecting our community.  

The first wake-up call was in March 2013 when a small print announcement was made in the Jemez Mountain Cooperative magazine that notified persons living within the San Ildefonso area that their electric rates would increase up to 30% due to the new easement agreement on pueblo lands. The rate increase has not hit your bill yet! Since then a small core of El Rancho residents have been attending meetings and protesting the increase to residents who did not have a voice in the negotiations. In fact, the agreement was signed without the Jemez Coop members (You!) knowing. 

Since this protest, the government of San Ildefonso has begun a series of threats to the community. We have contacted our Congressman, Senators, and even the New Mexico Governor’s office asking for them to talk to us about the living conditions the community has had to endure because the Pueblos are considered sovereign nations. Our question to them, does their sovereignty mean our own rights are null and void?? We need to unite as a community and take a stand against such acts. 

Our intent with this page is to not disrespect any group(s) of people but to inform the El Rancho residents of questionable acts taking place in our community and unite the taxpayers in order to take a stand against harassment and intimidation from San Ildefonso pueblo officials. We all need to come forward with individual examples of these acts (whether they are in writing or verbal) so that we can forward examples to our Representatives we have elected into office. Yes, “we” the voters.

Out of 1223 Jemez Coop members in San Ildefonso/El Rancho area, over 1144 are taxpayers and have been the least supported by our elected officials. Did you know that our Pojoaque community representatives in the Aamodt case have asked Congressman Ben Ray Lujan and Senator Tom Udall to meet with the tax payer community to address concerns and answer questions regarding our water wells and they have refused? Did you know who introduced and supported the Pojoaque Water Basin Act that just passed? Do you know who the top contributors to the Congressman’s and Senator’s 2012 campaigns were? Do you want to find this info out yourself? 

We are power in numbers. We are power in information. We do not have the funds to support candidates because we are too busy paying taxes, pueblo easement fines, high utility bills and legal cost to protect our properties. On top of that, every time the pueblo purchases private land in our area it removes that property from the tax base. What does this mean? We have to pay more property taxes to pay for roads and schools. 

The elderly of our community can no longer fight these issues. The younger generation has to get involved. Power is in numbers and votes. Please respectively join this cause. Inform your parents and neighbors who are not on the internet as information is posted. Please take a stand. Stay tuned.